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Students Become Anti-Bullying and Anti-Racism Ambassadors

A small group of 16 Year 8 students from Skipton Academy recently completed anti-bullying and anti-racism ambassador training, organized by The Diana Award. This training was part of an initiative to tackle racist and sexual bullying behaviour in schools nationally.

The Diana Award is an international charity that works to develop young people’s confidence and resilience, enabling them to become positive role models in their communities. The Anti-Bullying Campaign is aimed at empowering young people to take a stand against all forms of bullying, including racism and sexism.

The 16 students received training on how to identify and challenge bullying, racism and sexism in their school, and how to create a positive culture of respect and understanding. They also learnt how to work with their peers to create a supportive and inclusive school environment.

The students have now been appointed as Anti-Bullying and Anti-Racism Ambassadors. They will be responsible for leading campaigns and activities to promote understanding, respect and inclusion.

“We are incredibly proud of our Year 8 students for completing this important training and taking on this important role. We are confident that our students will be a powerful force in promoting an anti-bullying and anti-racism culture within our school.”

The Diana Award’s Anti-Bullying Campaign is open to all UK schools and provides resources, training, and guidance to help young people lead positive change in their communities.

The student’s commitment to this training has been recognised and they will be awarded the Diana Anti-Bullying and Anti-Racism Ambassador Award at the end of the school year.


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