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Theatre Visit for Year 7

Year 7 celebrated their first term by visiting Bradford Alhambra Theatre. Below, is a report written by one of our Year 7 students.

As the show began, everyone was mesmerized by the amazing performances and the wonderful music.

The story of Jack and The Beanstalk was so exciting and captivating. All the children in the audience were cheering and clapping throughout the show. We were all amazed by the visual effects, the costumes and the sets. The actors and actresses were so talented and their performances were simply outstanding.

At the end of the show, we were all feeling so happy and satisfied with the performance. We had a great time and enjoyed every moment of it. It was such a wonderful experience and we would definitely recommend it to anybody looking for a great evening of entertainment.

All in all, our theatre trip to watch Jack and The Beanstalk was an unforgettable experience. The show was amazing and we were all so impressed with the performances and the sets. We would definitely like to go and watch it again in the future.

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