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Stars of the Week

At The Skipton Academy, students are being recognised as Star Students of the Week; an initiative aimed at celebrating pupils that demonstrate a positive attitude to learning, positive attendance, excellent achievement in lessons, achieving a high number of positive rewards on ClassCharts or outstanding contribution to the school or the community.

Each cycle, the school recognises one student from each year group who has demonstrated one of the above qualities. The award winners are announced in the year group assembly, and the winning pupils are presented with a certificate.

The recognition is part of The Skipton Academy’s ongoing drive to celebrate and reward excellence, and promote positive behaviour and attitudes amongst its pupils. The students who are chosen for the award typically receive positive feedback from peers and staff and are held up as an example of what can be achieved through hard work and dedication.

We are delighted to be able to recognise and celebrate the achievements of our students in this way. The Star Student of the Week award is a great way to reward those pupils who are doing their best and making a positive contribution to our school. This is something that we hope to continue in the future.

The Star Student of the Week award is an excellent way for the school to recognise and reward the hard work and dedication of its pupils, and an excellent way for the pupils to be recognised and celebrated for their efforts.

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