Dear Parent/Carer
I would also like to remind parents of the procedures in place to manage any possible cases of COVID-19 in school:
- If your child or someone in your household show any symptoms of COVID-19 at home, your child must not attend school. Please contact the school on 01756 792965 as soon as you become aware that your household will need to self-isolate.
- If your child shows symptoms of COVID-19 whilst at school, they will be removed from lessons and isolated in our medical room. We will call home immediately and ask you to collect your child. We would then expect you to follow the Test, Track and Trace procedure and contact school with the results and any relevant information.
- The school will follow local health team advice when managing any confirmed cases of COVID-19 amongst the school community
I have attached a separate document, which gives clarity about managing confirmed cases of COVID-19.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr R McManus