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Our School


Students are regularly assessed in all subjects to ensure that work is appropriate to their needs, to check on progress made and to allow us to inform parents and inform the curriculum delivery.

Every parent can expect the following communications within an academic year:

  • Progress Tracking information will be sent home on a termly basis, one of which will contain a tutor report
  • An opportunity to meet your son/daughter's group tutor (Year 7) 
  • A meeting with subject teachers

Key Stage 3

There will be an assessment report provided in each of the 3 terms for all year groups in Key Stage 3 Year 7-9. Reports home to parents each term will include attainment, achievement, attitudinal and attendance data.

Key Stage 4

There will be an assessment report provided in each of the 3 terms for all year groups in Key Stage 4, except for Y11 which will have 2 in the spring term. Reports home to parents each term will include attainment, achievement, attitudinal and attendance data.

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