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Challenge and Celebration Week

School trips and outdoor enrichment opportunities are an important and memorable part of your education.

They enhance learning, improve staff/student relations in the classroom and help you to become more independent, grow in self-confidence and develop teamwork and leadership skills.

Our aims for Challenge and Celebration Week are to:

  • Provide students with a variety of enjoyable and purposeful enrichment experiences throughout school life.
  • Give students and tutors a chance to really get to know each other in a non-classroom setting.
  • Give students a feeling of belonging and pride in their year group.
  • Increase opportunities for students to show leadership qualities, no matter what age.
  • Allow students to enjoy the great outdoors and some fine summer weather at the end of a hard school year!

A typical programme at a glance:

Year 7 The Big Mix

A fusion of fun and growth

Year 8: Option 1 The Big Trip London Calling, a week in the capital
Year 8: Option 2 The Big Ride

Explore a Carousel OF Day Trips

Year 9: Option 1 The Big Outdoors Embrace the Wild in The Lakes
Year 9: Option 2 The Big Ride

Explore a Carousel OF Day Trips

Key Stage 3 The Big Skipton Spectacular

Dive into adventure and excitement!

Year 10 The Big Thrill Day

Epic Rides for Epic Efforts

Year 10 The Big Work Experience

Explore the world of work

Year 10 The Big Parisian Adventure

Discover the Magic of Paris

Key Stage 4 The Big Moroccan Expedition

A Journey of Culture, Adventure, and Personal Growth

The programme of activities planned for all year groups will give students a varied and enjoyable end-of-year experience throughout their school career. Obviously, a programme such as this is never cheap, but we hope that the mix of activities in terms of cost, and a long-term vision of what students will experience throughout their time at The Skipton Academy, will encourage you to meet the financial impact of such a programme.

Students who are in receipt of the Pupil Premium may receive financial support to meet some of the costs of the programmes. Please contact if you require any further information

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