Summer School
The Skipton Academy received a grant from the Department for Education to fund a summer school program for incoming Year 6 students. all students with a place in our Year 7 cohort were invited to attend and 53 students and their families chose to do so. We employed 9 members of our current staff. We delivered our program over the course of a single week, July 26th - July 30th.
The amount of funding received was £15,820.50. A simplified breakdown of how the funding was spent is as follows:
- Teaching and Support Staff Costs - £5,400
- Events and Activities - £4742.95
- Lesson and Art Supplies, Snacks, and Reading Books - £5677.55
- To induct new students into our school culture and way of doing school
- To deliver catch-up lessons to help cover the learning lost due to COVID-19
- To build cultural capital through engaging enrichment activities and trips.
We designed a series of induction sessions that took place on the very first day of summer school. To maximise learning during our catch-up lessons, these lessons were only on fundamental skills of Literacy and Numeracy. Our lessons were planned or adapted by subject knowledge specialists (we adapted our lessons from The Guardian Young Journalist Sessions and White Rose Maths)
The final thrust of the summer school program was to provide engaging enrichment opportunities for our students.