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Autumn Term Roundup

As we come towards the end of the Autumn term, we look back on the successes and highlights of a very long term

As we reach the end of a very long first term I'm able to look back with great pride on many of the things our students have achieved. Please see the attached newsletter highlighting many of our achievements this term.

We have welcomed our new Year 7 students who have settled into secondary school well and continue to learn and understand our ethos of ‘Belong, Challenge, Inspire’. We continue to see them exhibit these values in their daily life, nowhere more so than the Panto trip to see Cinderella where we have received many complimentary emails about their exemplary behavior. Well done Year 7!

We have also seen the expansion of our competitive sport with football and Netball Teams from Years 7,8 , 9 & 10 all taking part in the inaugural Dales Cup and the girls from the Y9/10 netball competition bringing in the victory! Well done! No doubt as more and more students take part in the wide range of extra curricular sport this will be the first of many victories!

Our staff have continued to work hard both in the classroom and beyond to Inspire our students. Thanks to all the staff who have committed their time to organise trips across the curriculum both locally and abroad.

2023 was a fantastic year for The Skipton Academy and I'm sure 2024 will be even better.

Merry Christmas

Richard McManus


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