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Making Skipton Safer: Young People Lead the Way

Skipton Academy hosted a multi-agency working group on Friday afternoon where students were invited to share their views on what they would like to see in Skipton for their age group.

The event was attended by Commissioner Zoë and her Community Engagement Officer, who were there to listen to the students and discuss what they feel would help resolve the issues they raised.

The students were keen to share their perspectives on the topics of discussion and were honest and open with those present. Their feedback is being taken away to be discussed with wider local stakeholders and working groups for further conversations.

The working group was held following a meeting that students had in parliament with their local MP, Julian Smith, where they discussed their ideas for the future of Skipton. The working group is part of a wider project to engage with young people in the Skipton area and ensure their voices are heard.

Local MP Julian Smith commented: "It is great to have been able to facilitate this crucial meeting and it is excellent to see more young people getting involved in the dialogue surrounding street safety. Thank you to Chloe Thwaites from NYCC for leading the discussion, along with the Police and Commissioner, as well as pupils from Skipton Academy for taking part. I hope many more schools and students can get involved in this very important issue, and I would encourage young people who are passionate about positive change to join Skipton Youth Council. " 

Skipton Youth Council is inviting 11-18 year olds to join their campaign to significantly reduce Youth Crime in Skipton. Chloe Thwaites, Youth Voice and Creative Engagement Officer at NYCC, is making efforts to widen the conversation with students across the town about their perception of safety and potential solutions. By joining the campaign, young people can make their voices heard and be part of the solution.

Skipton Youth Council (2)

The students' feedback from the working group will be used to inform future conversations with wider local stakeholders. It is hoped that the student's ideas will be taken into account and help shape the future of Skipton.

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