Welcome to
The Skipton Academy

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At The Skipton Academy, we are enabling our students to achieve their potential. We believe that our ethos of Belong, Challenge, Inspire encapsulates our vision for education. As teachers, we are committed to providing learning which is engaging and allows students to make progress in every lesson, every day. We are determined to provide first-class comprehensive education to the community of Skipton and we have achieved much this academic year to make that a reality for these are exciting times at The Skipton Academy and the journey has just begun.


Richard McManus | Principal

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The careers support programme at The Skipton Academy focuses on encouraging each student to consider a wide range of career pathways and provides the support to make their goals a reality.


Admissions and Transition

Admission and transition are crucial in ensuring that students at The Skipton Academy are prepared for the next step in their educational journey. The curriculum is designed to be balanced, challenging and relevant.

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Useful links for Parents

At the heart of the Skipton Academy, is the positive relationship between students, parents/carers, and teachers. To enrich and broaden students' experience they can partake in a range of enrichment opportunities.

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