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In these unusual times, we want you to know that we are here to support you. We not only want to support your educational provision but also ensure that you look after yourselves both physically and mentally. This resource will provide you with more information, weblinks and practical ways to keep safe and healthy.

If you feel that you need extra support, you can email:

  • Your Head of Year
  • Your Tutor

Ways to support your mental health:


  1. Try to establish a daily routine, your lesson timetable should help with this;
  2. Add variety to your activities e.g. balance screen time with exercise;
  3. Stay connected: friendships are more important than ever so utilise FaceTime or other platforms such as Microsoft Teams to keep in touch with family and friends;
  4. Avoid excessive social media as it can often spread fake news and can be overwhelming;
  5. Whenever possible, get some fresh air in the garden;
  6. Learn a new skill or take up a new hobby e.g. learning a language, yoga or baking;
  7. Talk! It’s important to share with others how you are feeling, even if you don’t really understand your own emotions.

If you are feeling anxious at any point, remember this is totally normal. 

Anxiety top tips

Resources and weblinks 

Kooth Free, safe, anonymous online support for young people

Mindful Healthy life, healthy mind

The Mindful Kind Rachel Kable hosts a mindfulness podcast for people of all ages. With fresh new content on 'Dealing with Anxiety During Coronavirus' and 'Coping with Self-Isolation', this could be the ideal podcast to keep you calm and healthy.

E-safety reminder

You might be talking to people more and more online so make sure you are only communicating with people you know in real life. Remember not to give out any personal details online.
